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Tuesday: 11.30am - 12.45pm

Thursday: 12pm - 1pm - Gentle Ballet

Thursday: 6.30pm - 8.00pm

Thursday: 8.00pm - 8.30pm - Pointe Work *

Friday: 10.00am - 11.15am  


Classes: £14 per class

*Pointe Work an additional £5 per class


Gentle Ballet: £12 per class

For those that would like to go slower and with less choreography.  The focus is on posture, balance, alignments and basic technique.


Ideal for: a beginner, if you have been away from ballet for a while, post illness or injury where the mixed level classes do not physically suit anymore.


Mainly barre work, a couple of exercises for centre work to check alignments and balance and, still pretty choreography within the simplicity!



Pay as you go, no cancellation fee but do let Ali know as soon as possible if you cannot make class, so your place can be given to another dancer.  


Classes need to be booked by email or text 


Booking emails are sent out every two weeks.





Am I too old? I am a complete beginner, is it too late? I am not flexible or fit. I have no coordination.


If you are a beginner, start slowly, give your body time to acquire the elementary technique and the way a dancer’s body works. Alternatives will be given, gradually you will pick it up, confidence will build, you will notice how your posture changes, your body tones and how uplifted you feel from a ballet class. You may think at the beginning, how will I ever coordinate my limbs all together, let alone balance? Persevere and you will!


I have not done ballet since I was a child.


Maybe the opportunity to go to ballet as a child was not there or you trained to a certain level, vocational or professional and then gave up as a life path took you elsewhere. Starting ballet as an adult or returning to it can be emotional: placing your hand on the ballet barre, being swept along by the beautiful music, all becomes magical again.


What do I wear?


Leggings, T shirt, any comfortable kit. Most eventually progress to a ballet wrap skirt over their leggings which is flattering and you makes you feel graceful. Leotards and tights are not a requirement!

It's a good idea to layer up with an extra top or sweatshirt to keep warm at the start of class. Legwarmers (go on, you know you want to) can also be beneficial to keep muscles warm. To achieve the ultimate in sartorial Prima style these should be worn in a singular fashion with an inside out holey t-shirt and look of detached brilliance.


What about Shoes?


Class can be done barefoot but after your first class then it is advisable to purchase ballet shoes to protect your feet and help with ease of movement.

You will need a split sole ballet shoe in canvas or leather, check sizing charts as some makers are a street size up. If you are not near a dance shop then there are many dance websites to choose from. Move Dancewear have an excellent range and are quick to send.


Anything else I should know?


Ballet is wonderful for mind and body, it gives poise, posture, balance, coordination, muscle tone, de-stresses and renews energy. With the daily pressures of life, work and family demands, sometimes it is hard to find time for yourself. As ballet requires much concentration it will help you to switch off completely and recharge. Along with sociability, friendships and plenty of humour, ballet always nourishes the soul.



11 Roubles......11 Pirouettes?

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