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Ballet Book Club - Winter 2020

Achille Perrot, tyrannical founder of New York's Perrot Ballet, controls his dancer's hearts as well as their bodies, but now his magic is unravelling, the company is in crisis and the dancer's lives are spinning wildly out of control....

Alexander Ives dances through the bedrooms of beautiful ballerinas.

Handsome, self-destructive Dana Coelho plays dangerous and deadly games with cocaine and sex.

Caroline Harbinson, Prima Ballerina, fights to keep her place in love and in the limelight against rising star Rosalind Child.

The politely poisonous impressario Sumner Loewen preys upon Achille as the ballet's wealthy, unstable patrons feed relentlessly off the dancer's beauty, struggling for control, power and glory.

But the dance must go on. Dazzling, twisting and turning, it propels the dancers and all around them into a wild fandango of love, rivalry, narcissism and death........

Has this got 'Guilty Pleasure' written all over it? Absolutely. Should it be read on a Sun Lounger whilst sipping a Piña Colada? Most definitely. Is that an option this year? Highly unlikely.

So why not put your feet up, your brain into neutral and enjoy some light literary entertainment, I think we've all earned it this year. Mulled Wine optional.

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