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Ballet is Ageless

Updated: Sep 14, 2019

The original RAD link can be found here

I was extremely moved by this short film posted by the RAD earlier this week; a poignant and powerful piece about love, life and loss, but also about reconnecting with the sheer joy of dance.

Having recently celebrated my own semicentennial (still not entirely sure how that happened) and having undergone two lots of Orthopaedic surgery in the last decade, it's easy to start focusing on the physical struggles in class, and acknowledging that the body can't quite do everything it once could; watching this film made me realise how lucky I've been to have had dance in my life for the past 47 years.

I've never danced professionally, but Ballet has been a constant presence in my life, it's been my church, my sanctuary, my Zen-like 'Happy Place'; for somebody who doesn't believe in Soulmates, it's just dawned on me that Ballet is mine.

I will be forever grateful for the joy, serenity, discipline, strength, grace, inspiration and extraordinary friendships that it has brought into my life, alongside the sartorial chic of the singular leg warmer and inside out holey t-shirt (I'm still working on the look of detached brilliance).

It is never too late to return to the barre or start afresh; Ballet is here with open arms.

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